What is a psychic medium?​
​Being psychic means that I am able to connect with spirit to provide information about possible future paths and guidance for personal growth, healing, health, improving relationships/career etc. As a medium I am also able to communicate with spirits of loved ones who have passed over.
What should I expect during a reading?
If you have specific questions or areas of your life that you want to focus on we can focus on those (things like life direction, career, love life, relationships, spiritual growth/development, life decisions etc.) or we can connect with a loved one(s) who is on the other side (see more on that below). If you are feeling drawn to a reading but not sure what you want to ask, I can also ask your spirit team what it is that you most need at this time. Often if you feel pulled to have a session, it is your spirit guides gently nudging you because they have a message for you. If you want to ask questions about your future/lifepath etc. and ALSO want to connect with a loved one on the other side during your session, I do recommend a full-hour reading to allow us enough time to do both. It is also best to allow plenty of time to connect with your loved one so let me know if you are hoping to do so at the beginning of your reading so we will have enough time.
Can I ask to connect with a specific loved one during a reading?
​Like most psychic mediums, I cannot guarantee that a specific spirit will come through to communicate with us during your session, but I can ask for a specific person come through if you want to talk to them. If you do want to talk to a specific person in spirit, please say so. Otherwise you may not get who you are hoping to speak to or run out of time before they show up. If your loved one does not come through, please know it does NOT mean they are not safe and sound on the other side! This can happen for lots of reasons. I have found it is best to stay open to whoever does come through as this is not usually an accident. Many times these unexpected messages bring immense healing and relief!
How do phone/virtual readings work?
When you book a phone/FaceTime reading, please provide the phone number that you wish me to use for your reading and I will call you at the specified appointment time. Payment for phone/virtual readings is taken at the time of the reading, I accept most major debit/credit cards which I process electronically through square payment app.​ If you want to use Zoom for your session, I will send you the link via email prior to your reading time. If you do not receive the link prior to the session time, or have any technical issues getting connected for the session, please reach out to me.
How can you provide readings/healings if we are not in the same room?
This is a great question that a LOT of people wonder about! I myself was skeptical too when I first started developing my gifts until I actually experienced it myself. It can be difficult for us to understand how this works but please remember that spirit is not in physical form any longer, and so is not bound by the same physical laws such as time/space as we are. On the spiritual planes, we are all interconnected and so it is actually very easy for me to tap into you energetically and with your permission, to connect with your spirit guides and loved ones in spirit to deliver your reading/healing. Think of it like spirit internet! We are all connected through a giant energetic web! I promise you it works just as well, sometimes better than an in-person reading/healing :) ​
How do distance healings work?
When you book a ​distance energy healing/reiki session with me, please provide your phone number and I will call you at the appointment time. If you have a specific issue or physical area that you want me to focus on in the healing you can let me know, otherwise I will listen to guidance from spirit as to what you most need. Then I will ask you to sit or lie in a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed for the session and I will then focus on sending you the healing. You should not be doing any activity that requires your focus/attention (like driving, cooking etc.) during the session. It is best to wear comfortable clothes and to have a glass of water with you as well. Energy work often will cause people to feel thirsty and can also cause purging so you may need to use the restroom afterwards as well. It can help to have a small snack or meal after the session to help you ground your energy after the healing is done. I will also talk you through a grounding exercise. It is best to avoid eating any heavy or rich foods right before the healing. ​Once the healing is complete, I will call you to share my psychic impressions. I will process payment electronically over the phone at the time of the healing using square app for payment.
How do I prepare for a reading?
To prepare, please be sure to schedule it for a time when you can focus on the reading, with few distractions. You may wish to have a pen/paper to take notes or a device or cell phone to record the session. If you have specific questions to ask, it does help to have them written down and prepared ahead of time to make the most of your time. Otherwise, all you really need to do is relax and keep an open mind. The more open you are to connecting with spirit, the easier the psychic information flows! I do find sessions work best when clients interact throughout the session, and usually folks get the best results this way. Talking and asking questions during your session will not harm the reading, in fact it helps open the door for you to get more specific information for whatever current concerns you may have.​
How do I prepare for an in-person energy healing/soul healing session?
It is best to wear comfortable clothes to your appointment and you may wish to bring a bottle of water along. Energy work often will cause people to feel thirsty and can also cause purging so you may need to use the restroom afterwards as well. It can help to have a small snack or meal after the session to help you ground your energy after the healing is done. I will also talk you through a grounding exercise. It is best to avoid eating any heavy or rich foods right before the healing. If you have any areas you want me to focus on you can let me know, otherwise I will simply work intuitively where spirit guides me. ​
How do I schedule a session?
To schedule a session just reach out to me through email, text or a phone call! You can also reach out to me on the "Contact" page on this website and send a message from there. Please include best days/times for scheduling and whether you prefer an in-person, phone, FaceTime, or zoom session. I will send you some available times and we can schedule your session!​ I can typically get people scheduled pretty quickly and often within a week or two. For my group events/classes you can purchase tickets on my upcoming events page or on the event vendor's pages, or for some of my classes that don't require an RSVP you can simply show up for the class and pay at the door. My website will specify if an RSVP is required or not.
How do I pay you?
I accept cash or debit/credit card payment at the time of your service. I use square to securely process debit/credit card transactions. Square also allows me to process your payment for distance services like phone, FT, or Zoom sessions. You will receive a receipt if you wish and you can also leave a tip, just let me know so I can add it to the cost of the service when we process your payment. For some of my classes/workshops I do offer online payment and registration. You will see the link to do so when you click on the event on my website events calendar. Currently I do not take online payments for majority of my services, as I prefer to wait until the time the service is provided to take the payment.
How frequently/often should someone have a psychic reading?
There is no specific time frame for this. It is best to give yourself enough time in between readings to be able to implement the suggestions/guidance that you have already received from spirit. It also helps if you wait long enough to have had a change in your life or in the situation in question so that you will really be able to benefit from having another reading. If you have them too close and ask the same questions, the answers may be very much the same or similar to your first reading so you may feel as though you didn't get much from the session.
For mediumship sessions (connecting to loved ones who have passed) it is recommended that you wait for at least 6 months after your loved one has passed away before attempting to connect to them in spirit. This does not mean that they cannot or will not come through sooner, but it may be less likely. Your own grief process may prevent a connection as well. Your loved ones care about your well-being and they will give you the time you need to grieve before connecting with you. Again, there are no hard and fast "rules" with these things, just a suggestion to give you a better chance of having a good session with your loved one.
Where are you located?
I offer in-person appointments/classes at Balance Chiropractic and Wellness Center, 3240 W. Philadelphia Avenue, Oley PA 19547. You may also book a phone/FaceTime or Zoom session if you prefer. I do occasionally do live events, workshops, galleries and expos, please see my upcoming events/classes page for more info. on specific classes/events. Majority of these are held at Balance Chiropractic and Wellness Center.